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Little Big Band

Little Big Band



Are you looking for a way to make your upcoming wedding or corporate event unforgettable? Look no further than Strictly Smokin' Little Big Band!


The slimmed down version of our full big band still offers all the excitement and energy you'd expect from a larger ensemble. With our talented musicians and high energy male and female vocals from Alice Grace and Paul Skerritt, we offer a truly unique and unforgettable musical experience that is perfect for any occasion.


From classic crooners like Frank Sinatra, Peggy Lee, and Dene Martin to contemporary hits from Michael Buble and Robbie Williams, we cover a wide range of musical genres that are sure to get your guests up and dancing. And with our swing arrangements of Oasis, Ray Charles, and Maroon 5, we bring a fresh and exciting twist to some of the biggest hits of our time.


Whether you're looking for background music during cocktails, or an energetic dance party to cap off the night, Strictly Smokin' Little Big Band has you covered.


So why settle for a run-of-the-mill DJ or cover band when you can have a one-of-a-kind musical experience that your guests will be talking about for years to come? Contact us today to learn more and book your event!

Torn between a couple of options, or not sure which band would suit your guests or event the best? A popular option is to mix and match sets from different bands to create the ultimate variety.


This can also include adding any of our other groups as an add-on at different points in your event.  Drinks reception, cocktail hour, after party etc.


We can do this in most cases, just let us know if you’d like more information.

Watch & Listen

More options and add-ons:

Don't forget: we're not agency meaning our rates are better and you can book with confidence.

All our musicians come from one band, and you deal directly with them. Find out more

What They're Saying



Amazing band, everyone loved the music"

Joanne & Adam | Wedding Reception
Jesmond Dene House

© 2023 by Strictly Smokin' Weddings & Events

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